Northwestern University Ecotourism Park and Botanic Gardens (NUEBG)
The repository of Plant diversity of Northwestern Luzon, Philippines. With plant collections that conforms to the latest approach in systematics & phylogeny, conserved, and presented in the different vegetation settings for research and education.
To spearhead native plant ex-situ and in-situ conservation, reintroduction and ethnobotany of the Flora of Northwest Luzon that are now threatened and in the verge of extinction.
Conforms to the APG III
This sequence has been accepted by the consortium as the basis for re-organising the herbarium collections at RBG Kew, RBG Edinburgh, the Natural History Museum (London), the Musée National d’Histoire naturelle (Paris), Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques (Geneva) and the National Herbarium Nederland (Leiden, Utrecht and Wageningen).
EBG is the first in the Philippines or probably one of the most advance in Asia to subject its living plant collection in conformity to the APG III in January of 2010 when the NUEBG registered to the BGCI.
Document Philippine plant diversity, including its uses and its distribution in the wild, in-situ within and outside protected areas, and in ex-situ collections.
Conduct specimen-based plant inventory throughout the country;
Develop a checklist of Philippine plants (per protected area, mountain, province, region);
Publish a book on the Flora of the Philippines;
Establish and maintain ex-situ conservation centers of wild plants; and,
Establish a National Botanic Garden that showcases the Philippine native plants.
Framework for Philippine plant conservation strategy and action plan:
Expanding and improving knowledge on the characteristics, uses, and values of biological diversity;
Enhancing and integrating existing and planned biodiversity conservation efforts with emphasis on in-situ activities;
Formulating an integrated policy and legislative framework for the conservation, sustainable use and equitable sharing of benefits of biological diversity;
Strengthening capacities for integrating and institutionalizing biodiversity conservation and management;
Mobilizing an integrated Information, Education and Communication (IEC) system for
biodiversity conservation; and,
Advocating stronger international cooperation on biodiversity conservation
and management.